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Andrew Stephens


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Andrew Stephens is a specialist criminal law barrister with a thriving practice.

By choice, Andrew acts solely for the defence and is regularly instructed in serious matters as well as those needing that bit of extra care as Andrew is adept at dealing with people with vulnerabilities, whether they are lay clients or witnesses. In fact, the way Andrew works with his professional and lay clients, with juries and with judges is perhaps his greatest asset.

Andrew is also well known and highly regarded for his eloquence in court and his ability to achieve the best possible outcome in cases many thought impossible. It is not surprising, therefore, that

Andrew gets what every barrister strives for, regular and repeat instructions by solicitors.

Andrew Stephens has extensive experience in cases of organised crime, serious violence, serious drug matters, serious sexual offences, fraud & money laundering.

Achievements, appointments and memberships

  • LLB Hons
  • Vulnerable Witness Trained
  • Member of Criminal Bar Association
  • Sussex Bar Mess Member

Notable cases

Year of Call: 2004

Vulnerable Witness Trained

Year of Call: 2004

Vulnerable Witness Trained