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Our barristers specialise in inquests.

Our Civil Law team include barristers who specialise in inquests and inquiries.  They are regularly instructed to assist with complex and high profile cases, all over the UK. 

We act for Police Forces, Universities and Public Offices in Inquests and inquiries.

While all our barristers take the strongest possible approach to advising and representing our clients during an inquest or public inquiry, given these are always highly emotive cases we will proceed with the highest levels of sensitivity, noting that the feelings of those involved must be both protected and respected.

Although our experience is hugely varied, the types of inquest and inquiries we are most regularly instructed on include:

  • Transport (British Transport Police) related deaths
  • Deaths relating to members of public within secure local authority units
  • Deaths within Family Proceedings

If you would like to speak to one of the barristers who specialises in inquests and inquiries, please contact us today.