Our barristers specialise in Police law.
Police law is the umbrella term for prosecutions on behalf of Police Authorities. Our specialist Civil Law team includes barristers at every level of call who specialise in Police law.
Our members have prosecuted on behalf of Sussex, Surrey, Suffolk, the Met and several other prosecuting authorities. This has given our team a detailed understanding of the relevant legal frameworks and procedures and the way those Police forces operate. This means that our specialist Police law team can provide advice – either in writing or in person – on many aspects of Police law including:
- Closure order applications
- Stalking Protection Orders (SPO)
- Disclosure applications
- Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPO applications and breaches)
- Inquests
- Notification Order applications
- Sexual Harm Prevention Order applications (SHPO’s)
- Sexual Risk Order applications (SRO)
- Legal Professional Privilege (LPP)
However, our experience has also taught us Police law cases require more than just first rate advocacy and an in-depth understanding of the legal side of the case.
At the heart of every application, there is a complainant that requires protection. Our members know they need to proceed with an unparalleled level of empathy and sensitivity. These are qualities we are repeatedly recognised for providing over and above our legal prowess in this highly specialist and highly emotive area.