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Driving Offences

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Our criminal barristers specialise in driving offences.

Our criminal barristers are highly specialist when it comes to defending clients accused of all types of driving offences from speeding and drink and drug driving through to serious injury or death caused by dangerous driving.

Given the enormous experience we have in acting for those accused of driving offences, we know how to represent clients in both Magistrates or Crown Court and how to give our clients the very best chance of achieving the best possible outcome from their case.

We will make sure the correct procedures have been followed, that adequate warning signs were present, that all the statutory requirements to impose a speed limit were in place and that any speed cameras were fully operational.

If the case involves alcohol or drugs, we will ensure any samples were obtained and tested correctly. And in every case, we will determine whether the notice of intended prosecution was served within the statutory time limit and that all legal procedures were followed.

We also have a long and successful record of arguing why a driver should not be disqualified, particularly if their livelihood depends on being able to drive.

Which driving offences can our criminal barristers help you with?

Our criminal barristers have represented clients accused of the full range of driving offences including:

  • Careless driving
  • Dangerous driving
  • Death by dangerous driving
  • Death by careless driving
  • Disqualification from driving having exceeded 12 points on a driving licence
  • Drink driving
  • Driving or in charge of a vehicle while unfit
  • Driving without insurance
  • Drug Driving
  • Early removal of driving disqualifications
  • Exceptional hardship applications
  • Failing to insure a vehicle
  • Failing to provide driver information
  • Failing to provide a specimen
  • Failure to report an accident
  • Failing to stop
  • Sentence hearings and oral mitigation
  • Special reasons applications
  • Speeding
  • Using a mobile phone or texting whilst driving
  • Vehicle Offences

If you would like to discuss a driving offence in total confidence with one of our best qualified criminal law barristers, please contact us today.