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Sexual Offences

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Our criminal barristers specialise in cases involving all types of sexual offences.

We act for adults, young people and children accused of sex offences.  

Our past cases have involved all types of sexual offences, from the possession and distribution of indecent images to rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse.  We also have experience of prosecuting and defending historic offences.

Given the highly sensitive and often disturbing nature of cases involving sexual offences, we work very closely with both the client and their solicitors, remaining on hand to guide our clients through each stage from pre-charge advice and police interview to court hearing and, if necessary, appeal.

We are also fully trained and highly proficient in supporting even the most vulnerable witnesses as we gather evidence, prepare for trial and cross-examine each witness in court.

Which types of sexual offences cases can our criminal barristers help you with?

Our criminal barristers have extensive experience in defending and prosecuting all types of sexual offences but the offences we are asked to handle most regularly include:

  • Child abuse and allegations involving vulnerable witnesses
  • Child exploitation cases
  • Grooming
  • Historic sexual abuse
  • Human trafficking
  • Multi-defendant grooming
  • Possession and distribution of indecent images
  • Possession and distribution of extreme pornography
  • Rape and sexual assault

If you would like to discuss a case involving allegations of sexual abuse in total confidence with one of our best qualified criminal law barristers, please contact us today.