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Gareth Burrows


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Gareth is a talented and persuasive Jury Advocate who Prosecutes and Defends in a broad range of criminal matters ranging from serious violence and high-level drug supply to offences of dishonesty and public order offences.

Gareth is regularly instructed in multi-handed and complicated trials both as led junior and junior alone.

He is listed in The Legal 500 and is a grade 3 prosecutor and has prosecuted on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions and Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

Police Law

Gareth receives instructions from the Police on a wide range of issues including, advising on and undertaking Legal Professional Privilege (LPP) sifts.

Achievements, appointments and memberships

  • LLB First Class (Hons)
  • BVC
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Sussex Bar Mess
  • CPS Grade 3 Advocate

Notable cases