R v Chatters Defending in multiple-count fraud
R v Bradley Prosecuting rape and attempted kidnap
R v Kayla-Joseph and others Prosecuting the first successful child sexual exploitation case in Sussex.
R v Hall and others Leading for the Prosecution in lengthy trial of members of an organised crime group concerned in the importation of hundreds of kilos of high-grade Class A drugs.
R v Parsons Christmas Day murder concerning the abuse of legal highs.
R v C and C Prosecution of grandparents for assisting in the abduction of children to Northern Cyprus.
R v M Successful half-time defence, based upon the evidence elicited from Prosecution witnesses during cross-examination, of a man accused of driving his milk tanker through a lowered level-crossing in South West Wales.
R v Styles Trial of young man who walked six miles with a loaded shotgun intending to murder his love-rival.
R v Kennedy Trial of a notorious Jean Paul Gaultier male model from Brighton.
R v W Defence of driver whose car hit a lollypop lady when he was blinded by the sun.
R v Ash Smith Junior for Prosecution in notorious 1993 murder of 16-year-old schoolgirl in Greenhithe, Kent. This case was featured in the BBC documentary series, ‘The Prosecutors’.
R v Blencowe Lead Counsel in stabbing murder of 17 year old by his love rival in Oxford.
R v Henderson and others Prosecuting three-handed homicide resulting from death of a street drinker in Eastbourne.
R v Ververopoulos Stranger rape of 16 year old school girl in Aldershot in 2007; Defendant traced years later through his identical twin brother’s DNA on the Greek national database.
R v Green Historic sexual assaults on teenagers at cycle speedway clubs in the South East.
R v Soutar Successful sleep apnoea defence in high-profile death by dangerous driving trial in Newcastle.
R v Burgess Serial rapist in West Sussex.
R v Daley and Robinson Long-running conspiracy to import large quantities of cocaine from Jamaica.
R v Shrimpton Prosecuting a member of the Bar for child pornography.
R v D Successful technical defence of alleged dangerous driver in Gloucestershire in legally complex case concerning the extent of the Crown Court’s jurisdiction.
R v Davies Serial sex offender in Polegate.
R v C Successful defence of care home worker accused of abuse of a dementia patient in the North West.
R v Forrest High-profile case about the abduction to France of a 15 year old schoolgirl by her maths teacher. See The Runaway Schoolgirl, a book written by the girl’s mother.
R v Webber Kidnap of model by photographer who claimed to work for MI5.
R v Barker, Rodgers, Dunk and Cook Trial and retrial of four Brighton and Hove Albion professional footballers for sexual assault and voyeurism.
R v Bowen Royal Marine who brought back a ‘trophy’ Taliban AK47 from the Gulf War.
R v Clark Bexhill stranger sexual attack and strangulation by serving soldier.
R v C Sexual abuse of children by young man.
R v Medland Murder of woman by estranged husband during meeting in central Brighton square.
R v Dhalla Stalking by City auditor of former fiancée. See the book, ‘Stalked’, written by Alison Hewitt.
R v Skilton and Long Murder of 17 year old by ‘plastic gangster’.
R v Lyons and others Group attack attempted murder arising out of family dispute involving baseball bats and running over with a 4×4 vehicle.
R v Basra Attempted murder of love rival with meat cleaver.
R v Carter Lorry driver historic sexual abuse of young girls across UK.
R v Crawford Stranger rapist from 1985, caught by DNA evidence on cold case review.
R v Haunch Paedophile teacher rapist, a member of PIE, from 1970-80s.
R v Mouza Stranger rapist in Crawley.
R v X Mother forcing her teenage daughter to impregnate herself with sperm bought on the Internet.
R v Allen Murder of wife by man after home renovations went wrong.
R v Peachey Attempted murder of terminally ill father whilst in hospital ward.
R v Tejkowski Trial of serial stranger rapist.
R v Bridgeman Trial of City solicitor for perverting the course of justice.
R v Baig Stabbing to death of wife in car by mentally ill man.
R v Riley Sex offences committed by two brothers, a school caretaker and a karate teacher.
R v C Successful defence of a lorry driver in death by dangerous driving trial resulting from multiple vehicle collision on M42 (sleep apnoea defence).
R v Wenham Death by dangerous driving in Brighton town centre.
R v Cogger Man shot by police in armed stand-off at home address.
R v Batsimba Attempted murder with machete during course of group fight in Crawley town centre.
Older cases
R v Coutts Junior in trial and re-trial relating to the murder of Jane Longhurst.
R v Fisher Briefed alone in prosecution of Hastings multiple killer and sex attacker.
Re ST Representing a member of the Children of God in long-running Wardship proceedings.
R v Hardison Leading in trial of manufacturer of massive amounts of LSD and related illegal psychotropic drugs.
R v Scrase Briefed alone in prosecution of Eastbourne arson and double murder.
R v Henry and Cole Leading in trial of attempted murder and robbery; victim survived shooting when bullet hit his mobile phone in his breast pocket.
R v Dunne Murder of former housemate by paranoid schizophrenic who believed he was a witch.
R v Hewlett Leading in trial of attempted murder of estranged wife by Inland Revenue civil servant using a stolen van in faked hit-and-run ‘accident’.
R v Barnes Trial of attempted murder of best man; victim left severely physically and mentally handicapped.
R v Devall and others Junior prosecuting a six-handed murder.
R v Harris Trial of paramedic for perverting the course of justice when falsifying records relating to the death of a 999 caller.
R v MacBride Murder of boat owner at sea.
R v Austin and others Junior in trial of manslaughter of Qatari language student on Hastings’ seafront.
R v Cummings One-punch manslaughter at Brighton nightclub.
R v McMillan Defence junior in murder of transgender prostitute by one of her clients.
R v Genestin Junior in trial of murder of wife by French national; body stored in roof box in garden.
R v Sumner and Price Joint murder of eccentric homosexual.
R v Jones Motor manslaughter of elderly lady by wanted offender in stolen car during the course of police chase.
R v Walder and Martindale Murder by woman intervening between men fighting.
R v Dalton Murder of hairdresser by partner.
R v McWilliam and McWilliam Murder of child by proposed adoptive parents.