If you are a barrister looking for a new tenancy, Westgate Chambers are currently recruiting for barristers
Westgate Chambers has an outstanding reputation in the field of Family Law. We are committed to maintaining our position as one of the leading and most established Family Law chambers in the South East. This is why we are currently recruiting for barristers with very specific experience.
In terms of our ethos, we pride ourselves on being approachable and inclusive and ensuring all our practitioners enjoy a supportive, collegiate environment.
Chambers provides an environment in which candidates can build a practice that suits their interests and strengths while offering equal opportunities to all. All members’ practices are proactively managed by our excellent clerking team at both a one-to-one and team level.
Due to a rapidly increasing level of instructions, we now welcome applications from exceptional practitioners of 10-15 years’ experience who practice in the fields of Public Law Children, Private Law Children and Financial Remedies.
Why should you join Westgate Chambers?
As we have said, Westgate Chambers is recognised as one of the preeminent Family Law sets in the South East. This ensures a constant flow of quality work from our loyal network of instructing solicitors.
We are actively growing this network. In particular, our seminar programme is of the same high standard as our lawyers. This has cemented our position as most local solicitors’ ‘go-to’ for new instructions in complex Public Law Children cases, privately funded Private Law Children and Financial Remedy cases.
Please follow the link to hear from our most recent tenant Scott Sharp and our most recent second six pupil Nicola Sully on life at Westgate Chambers.
Our Chambers rates are extremely competitive, and we operate a rent cap based on payments received.
From a more personal perspective, chambers is based in central Brighton. This means if you are looking for an alternative to working in London (although we still accept a steady flow of London – based briefs because of our reputation) and achieve a truly enviable work-life balance in one of the most beautiful areas of the UK.
If you would like an initial discussion in confidence, please contact Sean Gould, Senior Clerk to find out more.
Written tenancy applications, including a CV, should be addressed to Richard Barton, Head of Chambers and marked ‘Private & Confidential’. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.