Two of our pupil barristers Scott Sharp and Nicola Sully were recently interviewed by Tim Westcott, Head of Law at Worthing College. As well as walking us through their pupillage at Westgate Chambers, Scott and Nicola were asked a wide ranging set of questions including:
What do you do?
Can you describe a typical working day?
Within the bounds of client confidentiality, can you describe a recent case you have been involved in?
What would you say is your skill set as a lawyer?
When did you decide to become a barrister?
Which university did you go to?
What did you enjoy most about your law degree?
Apart from your law degree, what else was on your CV when you were applying for pupillage?
What would you tell your 17 year old self if you could talk to them now?
Their answers were videoed (the results of which are below) so they could be used as part of Worthing College’s brand new careers guidance video to help those approaching their A levels.
You can view the video here.
On seeing the video Richard Barton, Head of Chambers, said:
“This is an excellent example of how Westgate Chambers are always keen to provide an insight to local schools and colleges about life at the Bar. We are committed to maintaining a membership that is as diverse as possible, because we wish to ensure that the profession is open to everyone. It is particularly gratifying to see our two pupils undertaking this, and we thank them for their excellent work.”
Are you interested in applying for pupillage at Westgate Chambers?
Chambers is currently seeking to recruit two candidates to begin their pupillage in October 2023 and another two pupils to being in April 2024.
In each cohort, one pupillage will focus in criminal work, the other with a focus in family and civil work.
The timetable for applications is:
– Wednesday 04 January 2023, 10:00am: Applications open.
– Wednesday 08 February 2023, 11:59pm: Applications close (no further applications or amendments to applications will be accepted after this deadline)
– Candidates will be invited for Interview on a date to be confirmed between 09 February and 05 May.
You can find out more about pupillage at Westgate Chambers here.