Westgate Chambers’ Ayisha Robertson and Lucy Naish of Knights Solicitors successfully represented the Father in a recent Child Arrangements case.
Ms Robertson represented the applicant Father at a DRA in private law proceedings. This was the Father’s application to spend time with the children. Since separation a number of years ago the children have spent extended periods of time with the father including overnight stays, holidays and attended mediation where the parties agreed an extensive pattern of weekly contact. Notwithstanding the long history of unsupervised contact the Mother unilaterally reduced contact sighting welfare issues.
Ms Robertson made robust submissions which prevented a tactical adjournment being granted which was put at length and with force. As a result her client’s application for extensive contact was heard. The mother was placing, what the Father felt, were draconian and unnecessary demands on contact for example that the Father seek the mother’s permission before organising any childcare. The mother was agreeable to an additional overnight stay in the second week however, being fully aware of the father’s working pattern , was only agreeable to this additional night falling on a day the Father worked. CAFCASS broadly supported the Father’s position. The Father took a pragmatic view of contact in the second week and did not pursue overnight contact in the intervening week but afterschool contact on a day that matches his working pattern. The Court was grateful to the Father for his pragmatism.
The Court agreed with the Father’s proposals and submissions put on his behalf. The client was pleased and relieved to have resolution at this early stage.
In this Child Arrangements case Ayisha Robertson was instructed by Lucy Naish from Knights Solicitors.