Money Laundering

Our criminal barristers are specialists in money laundering.

Our criminal barristers are specialists in money laundering and are regularly instructed to both defend and prosecute cases involving money laundering, particularly the laundering of funds obtained from organised crime. 

Money laundering is a type of fraud.  It involves concealing money – money that has usually been derived from serious criminal activity – using a complex web of financial transactions and transfers between an equally complex network of banks and businesses in the UK and overseas. 

The Crown Prosecution Service has broken money laundering down into three stages:

  1. Placement: Injecting criminal money into the financial system.
  2. Layering: Moving money through the different layers of the financial system
  3. Integration: Absorbing the money into the economy via investments in real estate and other assets

Given the level of activity involved in all three stages, unravelling the detail of a money laundering case is incredibly difficult and requires lawyers with very specific experience.

The barristers in our criminal team have this experience.

However, we are not only on hand to vigorously defend or prosecute money laundering cases. Given the extensive insight we have built up, we can also help businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of being involved in money laundering.

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We can provide training on anti-money laundering compliance requirements and show you how to put processes in place to recognise and react to suspicious or potentially illegal transactions.  Having this extra level of protection in place could not only help your business avoid disruption and reputational damage, but it could also help you avoid serious financial penalties.

If you would like to speak to one of the criminal barristers who specialises in money laundering, please contact us today.