Corporate Crime

Our criminal barristers specialise in corporate crime and fraud.

As the dust settles on the pandemic, we have seen a huge escalation in fraud.  Criminals are looking to exploit those working from home while less scrupulous businesses look to take unlawful advantage of the government’s grant schemes.  However, fraud is only one of the facets of corporate or ‘white collar’ crime that is growing. 

As the world remains uncertain, the effects of bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering, market misconduct and – most recently – sanctions continue to pose enormous threats to businesses all over the world.

Our criminal barristers have enormous experience in both Crown and High Court cases involving all types of corporate and white collar crime and fraud cases.  These include cases with highly complex financial and banking elements as well as cases with an international dimension. 

We have particular expertise in employee fraud, directors’ liability and disqualification, insolvency and disputes arising from investigations under the Companies Act 1985.

We represent both those responsible for the company and employees at every stage of the judicial process, from providing pre-charge advice and managing initial investigations through to representing the client in court and, depending on the case, onto appeal and confiscation proceedings.

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Which areas of corporate crime can our criminal barristers help you with?

While our criminal barristers have experience of every type of corporate and white collar crime, the cases we are instructed on most regularly include:

  • Asset forfeiture and recovery
  • Bribery & Corruption
  • Cartels and competition law
  • Confiscation and restraint orders
  • Corporate manslaughter
  • Insider dealing and financial markets abuse
  • Criminal breaches of employment contracts
  • Environmental crime
  • FCA prosecutions
  • Fraud (including employee fraud on both a domestic and international scale)
  • Health & Safety disputes
  • Licensing
  • Money laundering
  • Sanctions
  • VAT and other tax fraud
  • Trading standards disputes
  • Whistleblowing

And although we work on most of our corporate crime cases alongside solicitors, we can also accept instructions from business owners, senior management teams and employees via the direct access scheme.

If you would like to discuss a corporate crime or fraud case with one of our criminal law barristers, please contact us today.