Westgate Chambers’ Cerys Sayer and Amelia Bohills of Blackstone Family Law successfully represented the wife in recent Financial Remedy proceedings.
Ms Sayer represented the respondent wife at both the FDR and Final Hearing.
Although at first glance this appeared a simple case, concerning the family home, given a lengthy period of separation, convoluted litigation history – of the husbands’ making and very dubious disclosure the case was far from straight forward.
Consequently, new evidence was filed and served up to and throughout the course of the 2-day final hearing, requiring versatile and robust cross-examination.
The Courts judgement found hugely in the mother’s favour, awarding her over three quarters of the family home, marking a huge deviation from the 50/50 starting point together with extensive costs.
Naturally, the client was very relieved to finally have proceedings concluded and in her own words said that “she couldn’t have done it without” her legal team.
In this case Cerys Sayer was instructed by Amelia Bohills from Blackstone Family Law.