FR Conference 15/11/24

Welcome to Westgate Chambers Financial Remedies Conference 2024, kindly sponsored by Eight Wealth Management.

Our experts will provide up-to-date solutions, guidance and practical tips on key issues and topics.

The full conference programme detailing our talks and speakers can be found here.

Our members’ and special guest speakers’ handouts can be viewed by clicking on the titles of the talks in the list below.

Lauren Winser: Form E: Friend or Foe? A consideration of whether Form E remains fit for purpose in modern financial remedy disputes.

Cerys Sayer: Enforcement. An update on Enforcement in the context of financial remedies.

Scott Sharp & Patrick Steel: Barder Events: When and why do events post-order justify a change? It is rare for an unforeseen and unforeseeable event to fundamentally undermine the basis of an original order, but what if they do?

Laura Buchan & Lauren Winser: PAG2 and case law update. Nearly a year on… where are we now with pensions?
Download The Breakdown Document
Download The PAG2 Guide

Trina Little & Michael Gadsden from Eight Wealth Management: Potential implications for changes to pension legislation with a new Labour Government.

Scott Sharp: Capacity to litigate in financial remedy proceedings. What to do if you consider that you cannot rely on your clients’ instructions.

John Hatton: Schedule 1 Children Act 1989. Schedule 1 applications are knotty, adversarial, and often given a wide berth. But does it have to be that way?

Cerys Sayer: Contentious Probate. An introduction to Contentious Probate for financial remedy practitioners.

Craig Manser BSc (Hons) FCA & Kevin Hancock LLB (Hons) CTA EA from Humphrey & Co: Untangling the Tax Knot: Navigating Divorce-Related Tax Implications. Providing critical insight as to the tax considerations during divorce proceedings, shedding light on Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and more.

Elissa Da Costa-Waldman: Non-Court Dispute Resolution. The way forward. Six months on from the rule changes to a culture change of ‘Dispute with Dignity’.

Laura Buchan: Costs in Non- Court Dispute Resolution. What is the lay of the land following the introduction of NCDR?

His Honour Judge Farquhar, Lead Judge for Financial Remedies in Kent, Surrey and Sussex & All member panel Q&A: Update from HHJ Farquhar on FRC, followed by an all-member panel Q&A.

Please kindly consider joining us for our end of Conference drinks reception, which is kindly sponsored by Humphrey & Co.
