John Hatton and Scott Sharp provided a Family Law Seminar to East & West Sussex Young Resolution. The event was chaired by Hannah Gumbrill-Ward (chair of East Sussex YRes) and Polly Dallyn (chair of West Sussex YRes).

John Hatton and Scott Sharp were invited to speak at a Seminar for East & West Sussex Young Resolution.

John Hatton spoke on Instructing experts in private children proceedings – when they might be needed, top tips for part 25 applications etc.

Scott Sharp spoke on Parental alienation – How to actually define it and manage cases where these allegations are being made.


Public law for Private Children Lawyers – What we need to know and where the two collide.

View a recording of the Family Law Seminar here.

Download Counsels handouts here:

A brief introduction to applications for expert assessments in Private Law proceedings by John Hatton

Alienating behaviors or parental alienation by Scott Sharp

Public Law Overview for Private Law Practitioners by Scott Sharp

Alienating Behaviours Thinking Tool

Appendix 2 – Case Summary Re C

Appendix 3 – BAILII Judgment Re C

For Consultation FJC Draft Guidance on Responding to allegations of alienating behaviour August 2023