
Prenuptial agreements are on the increase so why are people still not comfortable with prenups?

Prenuptial agreements or, as they’re more commonly known, prenups have been around for years but were historically the preserve of celebrities and the very rich.  This may be why ‘normal’ people are still not comfortable with prenups. However, over the last few years solicitors have reported a big increase in demand for prenups.  In fact, […]

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Arranging school holidays when you are divorced or separated

Arranging school holidays when you are divorced or separated isn’t easy.  As parents you want to make sure they have the best possible time.  This may not be easy if you are still not communicating as well as you’d like to or if work is making it challenging for one or both parents to share […]

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Does grey divorce impact women more than men?

Grey divorce – the term now being used to describe separations that occur later in life – is on the rise.  There is also increasing evidence to suggest grey divorce impacts women more than men and also takes a toll on the adult children involved. Why is grey divorce on the rise? There are several […]

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What is Divorce Day and how can you start planning if you think Divorce Day will affect you?

If you are unsure what Divorce Day is, it is the first working Monday of every year.  It has earned this unattractive sobriquet because, historically, it is the day that brings family lawyers the highest volume of new divorce enquiries. Although the average length of a marriage is going up and the overall number of […]

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How can you get through Christmas before separating in January?

January is often the month couples choose to progress a divorce.  If you feel you are in this situation it is essential, for the sake of your family, that you work out how best to get through Christmas before separating in January. For some couples, Christmas is the reason they decide to separate.  Certain arguments […]

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What are matrimonial and non-matrimonial assets and how are they dealt with in a divorce?

One of the most contentious elements of a divorce is the division of assets.  Central to this is understanding the different types of assets involved, particularly with regards to matrimonial and non-matrimonial assets. The need to differentiate between matrimonial and non-matrimonial assets is brought into sharper focus because the Court’s starting point is to find […]

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When should I apply for a financial remedy order in my divorce?

Going through a divorce is never easy.  However, despite the strain you and your family will be under, you do need to come to a viable agreement regarding your property and finances.  To do this you will need to apply for a financial remedy order.  We are often asked at what stage of the proceedings […]

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How will no fault divorce affect financial settlements?

No fault divorce came into effect in England and Wales on the 6th of April.  As it has widely been accepted this will be the biggest change to UK divorce law in our lifetimes, it’s important to consider how no fault divorce will affect financial settlements. Under the new Bill, one party will be able to file […]

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Why have divorce applications soared by 50% after no fault divorce was introduced?

As soon as no fault divorce was introduced on the 6th April 2022 more than 3000 couples petitioned to end their marriage within days.  This is opposed to the 1500 that would usually apply for a divorce in an average week which left us asking why divorce applications have soared by 50% after no fault divorce […]

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How does a financial settlement work in a divorce?

When you divorce or end a civil partnership you and your ex-partner will need to agree how to separate your finances. The separation of a couple’s finances is known as the financial settlement. Whilst some couples may be able to agree matters between themselves, many people still remain unsure as to how a financial settlement […]

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