Archive for April 17th, 2024

Does grey divorce impact women more than men?

Grey divorce – the term now being used to describe separations that occur later in life – is on the rise.  There is also increasing evidence to suggest grey divorce impacts women more than men and also takes a toll on the adult children involved. Why is grey divorce on the rise? There are several […]

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What will change in planning law in 2024?

The last significant update to the planning system occurred in 1947.  However, the government has recognised planning red tape needs to be cut if housing stock is going to be created at the required rate.  This has triggered a range of planning law reforms – some of which are already in force, others are expected […]

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What are the four questions answered in an inquest?

An inquest must be held as part of an investigation into any death in which there is a suspicion it was either not from natural causes or it happened in prison or another state institution.  Four questions are answered in an inquest: It is also important to note that an inquest is not a trial […]

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