
What impact will Labour’s plan to add VAT to private school fees have on divorced parents?

The UK’s new Labour government is planning to change current tax exemptions to add VAT to private school fees.  Their plan is to reinvest the money this will generate to recruit extra teachers for state schools and fund more childcare.  However, as the governance of education is devolved between the UK’s member states, the final […]

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How can you create an effective co-parenting plan?

Separation or divorce is always a challenging time but when children are involved, the emotional complexities can quickly intensify.  Decisions as to how to best to co-parent now that you’re living apart need to be made.  With the summer holidays looming, the challenge of agreeing on an effective co-parenting plan is brought into even sharper […]

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Are the special measures improving more support for vulnerable witnesses in the family and criminal courts?

The University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University have co-published a report suggesting the special measures can be improved upon in terms of the support for vulnerable witnesses they provide in the family and criminal courts. The report examines the impact of the ‘special measures’ introduced following the introduction of a Bill proposed by the […]

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Prenuptial agreements are on the increase so why are people still not comfortable with prenups?

Prenuptial agreements or, as they’re more commonly known, prenups have been around for years but were historically the preserve of celebrities and the very rich.  This may be why ‘normal’ people are still not comfortable with prenups. However, over the last few years solicitors have reported a big increase in demand for prenups.  In fact, […]

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Arranging school holidays when you are divorced or separated

Arranging school holidays when you are divorced or separated isn’t easy.  As parents you want to make sure they have the best possible time.  This may not be easy if you are still not communicating as well as you’d like to or if work is making it challenging for one or both parents to share […]

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Does grey divorce impact women more than men?

Grey divorce – the term now being used to describe separations that occur later in life – is on the rise.  There is also increasing evidence to suggest grey divorce impacts women more than men and also takes a toll on the adult children involved. Why is grey divorce on the rise? There are several […]

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Demystifying The Transparency Reporting Pilot in the Family Court

The Transparency Reporting Pilot (RP) has introduced the presumption that accredited members of the UK press and legal bloggers may attend and report on family hearings held in private, subject to preserving the principle of anonymity.   The facilitating mechanism takes the form of a transparency order (‘TO’) acting as an injunction which details the […]

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How should indecent images be used in family law proceedings?

When it comes to how indecent images should be used in family law proceedings, the law states the following should be taken into consideration: 1. FPR Rule 1.1(2) states: “Dealing with a case justly includes, so far as practicable – a) ensuring that it is dealt with expeditiously and fairly; b) dealing with the case […]

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Is the Final Order the end of a divorce?

In many cases the Final Order is the end of a divorce.  However, this is not always the case.  If you are planning to divorce, you should be aware of the additional action you may need to take once you have agreed a financial settlement and your Final Order has been granted.  What are the […]

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What is a Young Persons Appointment (YPA)?

A Young Persons Appointment (YPA), also known as wishes and feelings appointments, is the new initiative launched in Surrey and Sussex to streamline the process for children and parents when an application for child arrangements is pursued. The Young Persons Appointment is more focused on the child’s views and wishes than on the pro-active pursuit […]

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