
What is the new economic crime bill and what has it been passed to do?

The UK’s new economic crime bill – the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act  or ECA – was recently rushed through because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine but what is the economic crime bill and what has it been passed to do? What is the new economic crime bill? In very broad terms, the ECA has been […]

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How does a pupil find life at Westgate Chambers?

Pupillage at The Bar is notoriously challenging and demanding so it’s easy to let work overtake its primary objective – to produce excellent new barristers and to make sure these barristers careers begin with a flourish. We’ve asked our pupil’s to provide an honest and open appraisal of their pupillage and how, as a pupil, they found life […]

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How does a pupil find life at Westgate Chambers?

Pupillage at The Bar is notoriously challenging and demanding so it’s easy to let work overtake its primary objective – to produce excellent new barristers and to make sure these barristers careers begin with a flourish. We’ve asked our pupil’s to provide an honest and open appraisal of their pupillage and how, as a pupil, they found life […]

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How will no fault divorce affect financial settlements?

No fault divorce came into effect in England and Wales on the 6th of April.  As it has widely been accepted this will be the biggest change to UK divorce law in our lifetimes, it’s important to consider how no fault divorce will affect financial settlements. Under the new Bill, one party will be able to file […]

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Why have divorce applications soared by 50% after no fault divorce was introduced?

As soon as no fault divorce was introduced on the 6th April 2022 more than 3000 couples petitioned to end their marriage within days.  This is opposed to the 1500 that would usually apply for a divorce in an average week which left us asking why divorce applications have soared by 50% after no fault divorce […]

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How do our pupil’s find life at Westgate Chambers?

Pupillage at The Bar is notoriously challenging and demanding so it’s easy to let work overtake its primary objective – to produce excellent new barristers and to make sure these barristers careers begin with a flourish. We’ve asked our pupil’s to provide an honest and open appraisal of their pupillage and how, as a pupil, they found […]

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Jo Sidhu QC’s statement on the CBA No Returns action

In an official statement Jo Sidhu QC, Chair of The Criminal Bar Association provides more detail and more context on the CBA No Returns action planned for Monday 11th April 2022. The statement begins: On Monday 11th April 2022, criminal barristers across England & Wales will commence action to shine a spotlight on the severity of the ongoing […]

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Westgate Chambers’ Philip Meredith helps a father avoid prison

Philip Meredith, instructed by Stephen Langdell of Bishop and Light Solicitors, has helped a father avoid prison after he was arrested for going out armed with a taser and a knife.  As the Judge, Mr Recorder Collins, noted, the client had 12 previous convictions for 29 offences, and he could easily have faced up to 10 […]

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Was Covid-19 the perfect cover for employee fraud?

Organisations spend tens of thousands of pounds every year to protect themselves against fraud but, with so much else for business owners to worry about, has the Covid-19 pandemic provided the perfect cover for employee fraud? Employee fraud is of course nothing new.  It takes a wide variety of forms from false expense claims to […]

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How can you prevent employee fraud?

Employee fraud is currently one of the most costly risks businesses face but, as an employer or business owner, how can you prevent employee fraud? If employee fraud isn’t an issue you’re currently thinking about, we’d like to share some figures. Over 25% of companies have been the victim of fraud. Of these cases, 50% […]

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