
Can you challenge a coroner’s decision?

Although a coroner’s decision is usually final and difficult to question, there are some situations in which you can challenge a coroner’s decision. There is no formal right of appeal as regards the verdict of an inquest.  Contrary to popular belief, as a coroner operates independently in a similar way to a judge, the Chief […]

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A fond farewell to CVP?  What is the future for remote hearings?

In recent years the use of remote hearings has been crucial to the efficient and expeditious service of justice in the courts and tribunals of England and Wales but what is the future for remote hearings? When used effectively remote hearings save time and money for all involved whilst ensuring accessibility for court users for […]

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The Chancellor pledges £170m to improve the justice system in the Spring Budget 2024

In last week’s Spring Budget Chancellor Jeremy Hunt pledged £170m to improve the justice system in a bid to make it “fit for the modern era” by finding alternative ways to tackle the many cases that “should never go to court” saving significant expense. During his budget speech, the chancellor set out how the £170m […]

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Demystifying The Transparency Reporting Pilot in the Family Court

The Transparency Reporting Pilot (RP) has introduced the presumption that accredited members of the UK press and legal bloggers may attend and report on family hearings held in private, subject to preserving the principle of anonymity.   The facilitating mechanism takes the form of a transparency order (‘TO’) acting as an injunction which details the […]

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How should indecent images be used in family law proceedings?

When it comes to how indecent images should be used in family law proceedings, the law states the following should be taken into consideration: 1. FPR Rule 1.1(2) states: “Dealing with a case justly includes, so far as practicable – a) ensuring that it is dealt with expeditiously and fairly; b) dealing with the case […]

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What were the major changes in UK criminal law in 2023?

2023 was a busy year for criminal law.  Major legislative changes made during the year will have a major and long-lasting impact on the way the police and government deals with certain crimes and the way offenders are treated but what were the major changes in UK criminal law in 2023? In this blog we […]

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What is the 7 year boundary rule?

Many still believe the 7 year boundary rule in the UK means you can claim ownership over land you have been using for 7 years.  However, this is a legal misnomer; the  real answer to the question “what is the 7 year boundary rule?” is that just like a common law spouse, it is a […]

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What challenges will landlords face in 2024?

Change (if not volatility) has become the norm for landlords over the last few years.  There could be even choppier waters ahead but what potential challenges will landlords face in 2024? We are about to see widespread tenancy reforms.  Borrowing rates are likely to increase even further which means rents will need to increase for […]

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How do I resolve a boundary dispute with a neighbour?

Boundary disputes between neighbours are still common place.  They tend to arise when a new owner moves into a property with their own take on exactly where the boundaries are between their property and their neighbour’s.  Although they may seem trivial when you are not involved in the dispute yourself, they can lead to a […]

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Change to the law gives children more protection from sexual abuse

A change to the law will give children more protection from sexual abuse by making it easier to prosecute criminals who have had sex in front of children for gratification. The tabled amendment will adjust offences at sections 11, 18, 32, 36 and 40 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.  According to the UK Government’s […]

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