
What were the major changes in UK criminal law in 2023?

2023 was a busy year for criminal law.  Major legislative changes made during the year will have a major and long-lasting impact on the way the police and government deals with certain crimes and the way offenders are treated but what were the major changes in UK criminal law in 2023? In this blog we […]

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What is the 7 year boundary rule?

Many still believe the 7 year boundary rule in the UK means you can claim ownership over land you have been using for 7 years.  However, this is a legal misnomer; the  real answer to the question “what is the 7 year boundary rule?” is that just like a common law spouse, it is a […]

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What challenges will landlords face in 2024?

Change (if not volatility) has become the norm for landlords over the last few years.  There could be even choppier waters ahead but what potential challenges will landlords face in 2024? We are about to see widespread tenancy reforms.  Borrowing rates are likely to increase even further which means rents will need to increase for […]

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How do I resolve a boundary dispute with a neighbour?

Boundary disputes between neighbours are still common place.  They tend to arise when a new owner moves into a property with their own take on exactly where the boundaries are between their property and their neighbour’s.  Although they may seem trivial when you are not involved in the dispute yourself, they can lead to a […]

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Change to the law gives children more protection from sexual abuse

A change to the law will give children more protection from sexual abuse by making it easier to prosecute criminals who have had sex in front of children for gratification. The tabled amendment will adjust offences at sections 11, 18, 32, 36 and 40 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003.  According to the UK Government’s […]

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Is the Final Order the end of a divorce?

In many cases the Final Order is the end of a divorce.  However, this is not always the case.  If you are planning to divorce, you should be aware of the additional action you may need to take once you have agreed a financial settlement and your Final Order has been granted.  What are the […]

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Divorce Day:  New research underlines couples must not forget to include pensions during divorce negotiations

Traditionally January sees a spike in divorces.  The first working Monday of January is even dubbed ‘Divorce Day’ because law firms receive more new divorce enquiries than at any other time of year.  However, new research from Interactive Investor yet again underlines why couples must not forget to include pensions during divorce negotiations. The research […]

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What is a Young Persons Appointment (YPA)?

A Young Persons Appointment (YPA), also known as wishes and feelings appointments, is the new initiative launched in Surrey and Sussex to streamline the process for children and parents when an application for child arrangements is pursued. The Young Persons Appointment is more focused on the child’s views and wishes than on the pro-active pursuit […]

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What is Divorce Day and how can you start planning if you think Divorce Day will affect you?

If you are unsure what Divorce Day is, it is the first working Monday of every year.  It has earned this unattractive sobriquet because, historically, it is the day that brings family lawyers the highest volume of new divorce enquiries. Although the average length of a marriage is going up and the overall number of […]

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How can you get through Christmas before separating in January?

January is often the month couples choose to progress a divorce.  If you feel you are in this situation it is essential, for the sake of your family, that you work out how best to get through Christmas before separating in January. For some couples, Christmas is the reason they decide to separate.  Certain arguments […]

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